The newest Madonna - The Celebration Tour presale password is now available to our members: During the exclusive pre-sale members have got the chance to buy show tickets
in advance of their public sale people who don't have a code.

What an amazing experience is in store for you, your friends who might like to go with you or those special someones in your life - how often will you get the chance to buy Madonna - The Celebration Tour tickets during a presale like this one?
Here is what we so far about the Madonna - The Celebration Tour show:
Madonna - The Celebration Tour
Kaseya Center
Miami, FL
Tue, Apr 9, 2024 08:30 PM
Onsale to General Public
Start: Fri, 02/09/24 10:00 AM EST
Ends: Tue, 04/09/24 10:30 PM EDT
Citi® Cardmember Presale
Begins: Tue, 02/06/24 12:00 PM EST
Ends: Thu, 02/08/24 05:00 PM EST
Live Nation Presale
Start: Thu, 02/08/24 10:00 AM EST
is finished: Thu, 02/08/24 05:00 PM EST
Venue Presale
Starts: Thu, 02/08/24 10:00 AM EST
is finished: Thu, 02/08/24 05:00 PM EST
Citi® Cardmember Preferred Tickets Presale
Begins: Fri, 02/09/24 10:00 AM EST
Finishes: Sat, 03/09/24 08:30 PM EST
Members will use the below presale passwords and information to beat the rush for tickets:
Our Passwords are for WiseGuys Members
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and thousands of other shows too!
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