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D.C. Region Annual Presale Pass (District Of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia)

Activate Your 1 Year Membership and Unlock all the Presale Passwords we have for events in Washington DC, Virginia and Maryland for just $27

1 Year of VIP Access to and our collection of Presale Passwords and Codes for events in the DC Metro region

This Annual Subscription can be cancelled anytime.
Total payment today is $27.00

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WiseGuys Presale Passwords has been publishing presale codes online since 2006

We collect presale codes and passwords, organizing and publishing them to help fans buy their tickets early

We are NOT Affiliated With Any Venue, Box Office, Ticket Broker, Ticket Seller, Performer or Agency

You will be buying tickets from the official box office – not a broker

Refunds are cheerfully given within 60 days of your purchase for any reason. Subscription plans are explained above – plans may be cancelled at any time for any reason.

“Awesome site! You’ve made a young girl very happy with the tickets I got her during the presale”

Gina B. – Fort Worth, TX

Stop Searching

Don’t waste precious time looking for presale codes

Get Tickets First

Get presale tickets to hundreds of events before everyone else does – act fast while time remains

Purchase Direct

Purchase your presale tickets Directly from the official box office at original face value – no broker markups!

Money Back Guarantee

You will get tickets early or your money back: Guaranteed.

Secure Transactions

Fully Secure SSL encrypted transactions

Have questions? Read on!

Do you have a presale password for a specific event?



We’re open about what we have: Try a quick Search to be sure we can help 🙂

We publish between five and fifty presale passwords every day… sometimes it’s hard to keep track of them all.

You can email anytime you need help with an event:

I thought that presales were free?

They are. Our service isn’t.

We published our presale passwords freely for many years.

Sadly, after LiveNation bought TicketMaster, they made some changes and as a result of their decisions we now charge a fee for access to our collection of codes.

The codes we collect are sourced from venue newsletters, promoter newsletters, facebook fan pages, twitter accounts, other newsletters, forums, radio stations and other insider sources.

We read and digest that clutter of information so you can find the presale codes you need quickly and easily – so you can get tickets and be on your way.

What if this doesn’t work?

We’re here to help! Just email

If you do need help with a presale we can give you direction and guidance, many times we respond to email in under one minute.

We can help when…

  • There are No Tickets Left during a presale
  • “This Code Is Invalid” comes up.
  • “No Tickets Matching Description”

We know what you can try in all of these cases, we’ve helped tens of thousands of people to get tickets early and we’re constantly staying on top of changes to LiveNation, TicketMaster and other box office systems.

What if this still doesn’t work?

When all else fails, we do refunds!

Our verified refund rate according to ClickBank is UNDER 5%.

Our long-time customers love us.

WiseGuys Presale Passwords is not affiliated with, associated with or endorsed by any artist, band, promoter, or ticketing agency, or ticket seller(s). Our site sells access to Presale Password information and does not sell tickets. By Joining WiseGuys You understand some memberships have a fee that is monthly or annual, others are just a one-time payment – these are pretty clearly labelled since we want to be as honest and fair as we can be – you can cancel your account at any time by clicking the cancel link in your account page.

If you are unhappy or unsatisfied for any reason, just ask and we will refund your membership fees, no questions asked.

There are many factors that will impact ticket availability even during a presale – we do not guarantee you will be able to buy tickets to a specific event, and we cannot promise you will get better seating, or a discount.

We’ve helped tens of thousands of people buy tickets since 2006 and the odds are very good that we can help you too, but we cannot absolutely promise that you’ll get front row tickets or anything silly like that. See our complete terms of service.
