Don’t miss your chance: let us help you buy tickets during this presale: Join WiseGuys Now!

WiseGuys has the presale codes you need

Since 2006 WiseGuys has helped over 468,926 fans buy tickets during presales.

Total-Access VIP Members get the presale codes they need to unlock tickets early to the hottest concerts, best sports, newest broadway shows and more – Guaranteed.
  • Try our Total-Access VIP Membership
  • Get tickets to live events before the general public
  • At least one presale code for RON WHITE's show in Toledo, OH Sep 12, 2019
  • PLUS passwords for hundreds of events every week!
  • No more frustration and fear of missing out on tickets
  • Stop wasting precious time searching for presale codes online
  • Since 2006 WiseGuys has honoured a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Recommended: 5 Day Total-Access VIP Trial Membership

VIP Total-Access memberships include all presales and passwords on without any restrictions, limitations or delays. View all pricing plans special rates.
Credit Cards and PayPal are accepted here
Refunds are cheerfully given anytime within 60 days of purchase or charge for any reason.
Email for any assistance you may require – we reply FAST!
WARNING: Don’t be misled by other sites that make empty promises – we give it to you straight. There are many factors that impact ticket availability and most of them are outside of our control: The quantity of tickets allocated to the presale, the number of tickets remaining, the quantity of tickets you wish to purchase etc. There are no absolute guarantees you will successfully obtain tickets to an event through any presale.
If you don’t get the required presale codes before a presale begins you will have a much harder time getting tickets so we encourage you to stop reading the fine print and get your code – if it doesn’t work, we give refunds 🙂If you’re not completely delighted and thrilled with your membership – just ask and we’ll help you find another presale password so you can get tickets early – If all else fails, we do refunds for any reason at all.

Trial memberships renew automatically unless cancelled from your account page. You may also cancel a subscription membership anytime via email to While active a Total-Access membership provides access to our full collection of presale passwords. Complete plan and pricing information here including quarterly and prepaid annual discounts.