What an amazing experience awaits you, your friends who might like to go with you or maybe even those special someones in your life - how often will the chance come up to buy Represent: social justice through spoken word tickets during a presale like this?
Represent: social justice through spoken word show info:
Represent: social justice through spoken word
New Jersey Performing Arts Center
Newark, NJ
Sat, Oct 19, 2024 08:00 PM
Onsale to General Public
Starts: Fri, 08/30/24 10:00 AM EDT
Ends: Sat, 10/19/24 08:00 PM EDT
Member Presale
Start: Wed, 08/28/24 10:00 AM EDT
is finished: Thu, 08/29/24 10:00 PM EDT
Local Presale
Start: Thu, 08/29/24 10:00 AM EDT
Finishes: Thu, 08/29/24 10:00 PM EDT
Our members can use these presale passwords and link to face-value tickets to beat the rush for tickets:
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