The Devin Kennedy / Adam Turley pre-sale passcode has been published. During this presale YOU WILL have a fantastic opportunity to buy presale tickets before the public!!! Devin Kennedy / Adam Turley presale password for show tickets in Vancouver, BC (The Wise Hall) You might not get another chance to see Devin Kennedy / Adam Turley's show in Vancouver, BC!
Here is what we know about the Devin Kennedy / Adam Turley show:

Devin Kennedy / Adam Turley
The Wise Hall
Vancouver, BC
Tue Sep 24 2024

Spotify Presale
Start: Tue, 05/21/24 10:00 AM PDT
End: Thu, 05/23/24 10:00 PM PDT

You can use this presale passcodes and information to buy your tickets:

Our Passwords are for WiseGuys Members

Join right now and you'll instantly unlock the presale codes you need to buy your tickets early to this event and thousands of other shows too!

Here is a hint: Besides ordering tickets via a desktop computer it is certainly worth using your mobile phone too: The mobile apps that livenation and ticketmaster publish for Android and iOS are really good and you can use them one-handed while you work your computer keyboard, potentially this gives you twice as many opportunities to buy a small number of tickets as they first go on pre-sale.