This presale is the time to order tickets - before they go on sale to the general public and |maybe sell out - Get your tickets now to see Tigres Del Licey vs Aguilas Cibaenas in Bronx, NY :)
Here are all the Tigres Del Licey vs Aguilas Cibaenas show specifics with presale passwords:
Tigres Del Licey vs Aguilas Cibaenas
Yankee Stadium
Bronx, NY
Fri, Nov 8, 2024 06:00 PM
Onsale to General Public
Starts: Fri, 09/27/24 12:00 PM EDT
is finished: Fri, 11/08/24 03:05 PM EST
Latin Events Clients Presale
Start: Fri, 09/27/24 10:00 AM EDT
is finished: Fri, 09/27/24 12:00 PM EDT
Radio Station Listeners Presale
Begins: Fri, 09/27/24 10:00 AM EDT
Finishes: Fri, 09/27/24 12:00 PM EDT
Onsale to General Public
Starts: Fri, 09/27/24 12:00 PM EDT
is finished: Fri, 11/08/24 07:00 PM EST
You can use the following presale codes and link to online tickets to beat the rush for tickets:
Join right now and you'll instantly unlock the presale codes you need to buy your tickets early to this event and thousands of other shows too!
buy your Tigres Del Licey vs Aguilas Cibaenas tickets early